My Story

Here is my story behind the creation of the Real Life Cycle Experience 24.7.7®!

I have studied children’s development since 2001, worked in education since 2008, in 2012 I became a qualified teacher and I have taught in primary schools for nine years. Another key point, is that I am a really big animal lover! Whilst I like all animals, I am particularly fond of cows because although they are extremely large and powerful, they are incredibly gentle and loving!  My dream is to open up my own sanctuary, to give a safe and forever loving home, to many different animals.

I had already rescued two street dogs and two cats from other countries, to accompany my first cat. I then rescued four Muscovy ducks from a farm (three females and one male) as they were unwanted, to make sure that they had a safe and loving home. I named them Norman, Dot, Mable and Audrey, they soon settled in and now they love me stroking them and they eat food out of my hands, just like my dogs!

If I tell you that the white and brown duck is called Mable, can you work out the names of the other three, by comparing their facial features, size and the information given throughout this website?

Dot, Mable and Audrey began to carefully build nests, to lay their eggs in. This was a beautiful sight to see and something that I had not witnessed before, which opened up my eyes to how amazing the real life cycle is. I then realised, that I could create a truly ethical, educational and natural way, to teach children the accurate and complete life cycle of a duck...

That was the start of the  Real Life Cycle Experience 24.7.7®! 

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