Sign Up and Book

Sign Up

I have not yet named the ducklings, as I would like the first twenty schools who sign up to this science experience, to think of a name and I will pick them out of a hat!

If you would like to sign your school up for this ethically educational science experience, then please email me the below information, to All of the writing on this page can be copied and pasted, to make it easier for you!

Name of school:

Address of school:

Contact email address:

Contact number:

Half term of choice: Spring Two, Summer One or Summer Two.

Start and end date of this chosen half term:

Chosen experience: One, two or three.



To complete your booking, please make a payment of the amount according to your chosen experience (£140, £175 or £210) via a bank transfer, using the account details below.


Reference: School name and postcode*

*Please note, that if the full name of your school cannot fit into the reference box, then please write the full post code and then as much of the school name as possible.

Sort Code: 04-03-70

Account Number: 51149219

Login Details

Once you have booked your Real Life Cycle Experience 24.7.7®, you will receive a confirmation email. Then your login details, to access all of the educational resources through this website, will be emailed to you at least two weeks before your experience is due to begin!



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