Hello there and welcome to the Real Life Cycle Experience 24.7.7®!

Hello there, my name is Kristy and I am the creator of this ethically educational science experience. I have been a fully qualified teacher for nine years and I have taught children from Nursery age, through to Year Six. I wanted to create an innovative, natural, complete and accurate way to teach the awe-inspiring science Life Cycle topic, with true ethics and real education at the core. Where children can watch and learn about how ducklings grow and change throughout their lives, from being an egg in the nest all the way though to being an adult, with their mummy by their side!

Why Choose the Real Life Cycle Experience 24.7.7®?

Firstly, this holistically educational experience is Truly Ethical. All of the eggs were laid in a real nest, which was carefully built by mummy Dot, who then incubated them herself. After 35 days, the babies hatched in the nest with their mummy and daddy Norman, nearby. Dot tendered to her babies’ needs as she responded to their chirps, kept them warm and watched over them during the most important first week of their lives.

Watching ducklings hatch with their mummy is a truly fascinating, wonderful and phenomenal experience. Their story tells us about the beautiful, heartwarming and magical miracle, of the real life cycle. Children will learn just how strong the bond is between mummy Dot and her babies, which developed before they even hatched. 

All members of the duck family are now living together in their forever home in a sanctuary, where they will stay for the rest of their lives in freedom, safety and peace.

How many ducklings do you think have hatched?

Secondly, the Real Life Cycle Experience 24.7.7®, is Truly Educational. It provides children with a real life and accurate insight to the complete life cycle of a duck, as it covers all stages of life, straight from a real nest to the classroom! There are seven weeks worth of annotated, teacher created weekly videos, corresponding cross-curricular lesson plans and resources. These plans are available for all classes across the whole school, from Nursery through to Year Six and are directly linked to the updated Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum. There are also other options, which can be covered in two weeks rather than seven, as explained in the Prices section.

How Does it Work?

Once schools Sign Up and Book, all classes in every year group will have unlimited access to all of the above educational resources, at least two weeks prior to their chosen start date!

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